Every day, live your life and live your dreams.

welcome to my life. my name is arjay and i'm tired of living life without a purpose. so i rewrote the list of everything i've always wanted to do in life and i'm finally going after it. and so begins my journey to attempt to cross things off my list of 100 things i want to do before i die. because, why wait 'til later. it's about living the life you wanna live now while you still have so much life in you.

my buried life journey

Monday, March 22, 2010

#69 Attend a Hip Hop Dance Class--ACHIEVED

As hard as it was to wake up at 7am last Saturday to attend my fourth day of dance class, I managed to attend. Saturday mornings are pretty difficult for me. I'm so accustomed to sleeping in the wee hours of the morning and waking up late in the afternoon that I find it incredibly hard to get out of bed on Saturday mornings.

Nevertheless, I enjoy my dance classes, so I'm glad I haven't missed any sessions. Last Saturday, we learned some basic b-boy dance moves. I have to say, it was actually the easiest lesson I've attended. I'm in no way saying that b-boy dance is easy, because I've seen people kill it in the b-boy department. I'm just saying that the moves we learned weren't as difficult as I had expected. Of course, I expected us to be on the floor most of the time break dancing. It was nothing like that. We learned basic steps and I have to say, it's the only choreography that I've gotten down perfectly.

I was a little frustrated and disappointed in myself after the class though. At the end of every session, we usually do some dance battles and a lot of people who have guts do their own little solos in the middle of the dance floor. Well, during this session, aside from battling, students were chosen to perform the choreography. And not just any student. They chose the stand outs of the day. And I was one of the them. And although I did quite well during class, I couldn't keep it together during the performance. My friend was videotaping me (as we usually do for every class), and for the life of me, I couldn't perfect my moves while she was recording. The weird thing is, when she wasn't recording me, I was nailing the moves. Needless to say, I'm not impressed with the video. And I was kind of disappointed in not pulling through under pressure.

Anyway, I still enjoyed myself. I think I'm just being really hard on myself because I felt like I needed to kill it because I was chosen as one of the best during that day. So yeah, I think I'm being hard on myself.

*Update: I wasn't able to attend my last class. A little upset but I really needed rest that day. Anyway, I still achieved my goal.


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