Every day, live your life and live your dreams.

welcome to my life. my name is arjay and i'm tired of living life without a purpose. so i rewrote the list of everything i've always wanted to do in life and i'm finally going after it. and so begins my journey to attempt to cross things off my list of 100 things i want to do before i die. because, why wait 'til later. it's about living the life you wanna live now while you still have so much life in you.

my buried life journey

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dream On


For an out of school and out of job person, I sure have a lot of dreams. I've recently been brainstorming for more items to add to my life list. So far, I have 84. Sounds like a lot, but my goal is to reach 100. My ultimate goal, however, is to actually achieve all goals before I die. A lot of my items have to do with traveling. I don't know what it is, I guess it's the explorer in me that makes me want to travel. I've always wanted to see the world. There's just so many things to see, so many people to meet, and so many adventures to experience. But at this moment in my life, I just don't have the means.

I've seen a few countries, a few places, but all of them were under my parents' dime. I should be ashamed of it. I'm 25 and still being supported by my parents. But a part of me does not regret it. Most individuals my age are working full-time jobs, maybe in school part-time, paying bills and learning how to survive in the real world. To be honest with you, I wouldn't trade any of my experiences or memories for any of it. Growing up is a process, and we all go about it our own ways. Some people may be quick to judge my lifestyle based on what they see on my Facebook account, but honestly, I've learned to not care what others think. I see how miserable people are with their jobs/careers and their routine lives. And yes, you may be making your own money, but in the end, what do you really have to show for it? Can you really say you've lived your life to your full potential? Have you really found happiness? Have you done the things you've always wanted to do?

What it all comes down to is this-- I'm living the life I want to live. I want to do the things I've always wanted to do before it's too late. I'm young, single, and the only person I'm responsible for is myself. You don't get to live life like that once you're a "grown up". So the way I see it, I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do because I'm learning a lot through my own experiences. And I hope this process doesn't stop.

I just hope everyone else takes the time to re-evaluate their own lives. Reflection is good.


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